Family Photography with Teenagers in Wimbledon
Natural Family Photography Otalia Onta Natural Family Photography Otalia Onta

Family Photography with Teenagers in Wimbledon

As an artist it takes a lot of mental and physical energy to be constantly present and open to the people you meet. And you need this vulnerability to be able to create art. Honest art.

And why would anyone put themselves in a situation of being vulnerable over and over? Maybe because the urge to create art comes from a need that needs to be fulfilled. The need is bigger than the constant second guessing. It fulfils but most importantly it heals. Family shoots…

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Family Photographer West Finchley
Natural Family Photography Otalia Onta Natural Family Photography Otalia Onta

Family Photographer West Finchley

‘‘The house is a mess, could we shoot only in the living room?’’ Well, don't even think about the mess, don't hide things, don't stress and don't try to impress your photographer. I promise you that no one cares, especially your photographer. Tons of toys and hanging laundry, it's all part of life with young kids. Plus I think it's wonderful to include their creative "mess” and imaginative play areas. It tells the real story and that's always worth capturing.

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Maternity and Family Photographer in Greenwich, South London

Maternity and Family Photographer in Greenwich, South London

The reason I love and I capture family photos is because I needed to (re)write for myself a new definition of WHAT IS FAMILY. So the photos I capture are not about how childhood is carefree and wild or about how hard and fulfilling parenthood can be. No, what deeply motivates me is to show that despite everything that goes on in our daily lives, LOVE is at the base of it.

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Newborn photography in Wimbledon

Newborn photography in Wimbledon

If I had to define my newborn photography style, it would be "finding romance in the mundane". The routine of daily tasks feels so overwhelming when you have a young baby, like an outside force that took your life over. It's hard and it's beautiful. And I love capturing it all: the feeding around the clock, the shushing to sleep, the holding the baby for a peaceful sleep, the lullabies, the grandparents visiting from different continents to act as support system, the milk spit ups, the overprotective pet sibling, the quietness and the peace…

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