Celebrating motherhood with a London Vacation Photography Session

Celebrating motherhood with a London Vacation Photography Session

It's hard to remember how the warm sun feels on your skin when you are always wearing multiple extra layers. This is how sometimes motherhood feels to me, but that's where family photos come in and chase away those heavy clouds. Family photography brings so much appreciation for what there right in front of us, day in and day out. It's Love. It's a reminder that everything we need is here and it won't go anywhere.

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Motherhood Romance
Natural Family Photography Otalia Onta Natural Family Photography Otalia Onta

Motherhood Romance

This is not how history books will write about it, but I think 2020 was the year of Mothers. The mental load of motherhood coupled with working from home, in a global pandemic, probably with no support bubble, was no easy task. Bravery is not loud, it is soft and kind, and it means always showing up.

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