The Very Best Thing To Do in London with Kids - London Vacation Family Photoshoot

You walk the streets, you visit the museums, you enjoy new foods and discover the nearest playground to your hotel. But what makes a vacation special? I strongly believe it’s about connection with our children. A great family holiday means lots of new, but also SHARED experiences. At home or on a vacation, all that children need is connection, love and attention.

One way to create this opportunity to slow down, enjoy each other and take it all in is with a family photography session.

My London Vacation Family Photoshoots are not about landmarks, they are about love, love, love. Love is the best memory from any family trip. No matter the season or the location, what's more important is to be present, to make your kids laugh, to hold them tight in your big arms.

One of the things I always tell parents before our shoot is that it's okay if the little ones are not looking at the camera or if they get tired. Toddlers are not supposed to be perfect models, I am more interested in their love of exploring and having fun with mum and dad. And if that makes them tired and they need a bit of down time, that's fine too.

All these real moments are part of the family life and are worth capturing. Honesty is more important than perfection. No parent has ever looked at a cheesy smile and said ''what a precious moment''. Kids do not need to pose or smile on command, they are PERFECT just they way they are. And I love showing that, trust me, these memories are priceless!

The warm season is almost here, the days are getting longer and the sunshine is great for London vacation family photoshoots. If would like a similar photo session with your family, then get in touch. I’d love to hear from you!


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